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Do Biodegradable Bags Degrade in Any Environment?

Jun. 13, 2024

There are several types of degradable plastic bags on the market. Only when the plastic bag can eventually turn into water and carbon dioxide, it is truly environmentally friendly. It is also harmless to the human body. The so-called “environmentally friendly” plastic bags on the market, refers to biological decomposition, requires a certain experimental environment, such as high temperature, high humidity, microbial environment, etc., in these specific scenarios in order to decompose.

Do Biodegradable Bags Degrade in Any Environment?cid=6


Food and environmental protection, seemingly irrelevant, but has a thousand links, because food can not be separated from one thing, that is, bags, biodegradable plastics are mainly used in packaging, fiber, agriculture, injection molding and other fields, which is most widely used in the packaging industry, accounting for about 60% of the total market, food packaging demand and accounted for more than 70% of the share of the market for biodegradable plastic packaging, obviously, there are still a few not used to package food.

Do Biodegradable Bags Degrade in Any Environment?cid=6 


Photodegradable plastic bags are made of traditional plastic materials plus photosensitive accelerators. The use of ultraviolet radiation, causing a chain reaction of photosensitive accelerator polymer chain breakage, prompting the plastic cracked into fragments, can only cause local damage, the fragments can not be degraded. The fragments are ordinary plastic bag material. It is recommended not to be used for food.

Disintegrating plastic bags, made by mixing traditional plastic material with starch. The process of biodegradation is purely a biological activity that consumes starch and bio-fermentation, and the residual plastic material properties in the product still cannot be broken down by microorganisms. The fragmented plastic will create more pollution problems when it enters the environment. It is obviously dangerous to put it on the bowl for convenience when eating.

Others ask “Can biodegradable plastic bags be heated in the microwave? Will it produce toxins? Please answer if you really understand. Thank you!" There are real answers to such questions. Don't try to be quick and easy to use plastic bags in the microwave like this. When heated, food wrapped in plastic bags or paper, directly so put in the microwave, first of all, there is the possibility of fire. In addition, the food heated heat becomes high, the plastic and its contact, the temperature will also be very high, will melt, there may be some toxins will be emitted.


Therefore, generally for PE + starch or PE + disintegrant composition of degradable plastic bags, after the use of the PE part is still difficult to degrade. Degradable plastic bags for hot food, or long time tun food, or direct heating is not desirable.


What kind of plastic bags are degradable?


Do Biodegradable Bags Degrade in Any Environment?cid=6


Generally speaking, the environmental protection plastic bag is a plastic bag. From the selection of raw materials to the processing of the production process, it will not pollute the environment, but also can be recycled. Finally, it can be discarded after decomposition in the natural environment without polluting the environment.


At present, biodegradable plastic bags are divided into the following four categories:

1. degradable plastic bags will absorbent materials added to the plastic, discarded and dissolved in water. Mainly used in medical and health equipment (such as medical gloves), easy to damage and sterilization.


2. Photodegradable plastic bags are mixed with photosensitizers so that the plastic gradually decomposes under sunlight. It belongs to the earlier generation of degradable plastics, the disadvantage is that the degradation time is unpredictable due to sunlight and climate change, so the degradation time can not be controlled.


3. Biodegradable plastic bags are composed of microorganisms, including bio-polyester, bio-cellulose, polysaccharide and polyurethane. It is a biodegradable plastic bag that can be distinguished by microorganisms in nature.


4. photodegradable plastic bag is the product of photodegradation combined with microorganisms. It has the dual characteristics of photodegradation and microbial degradation.

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